Bryan Hullihen's Experience With Changing His Belief System

My name is Bryan Hullihen and I am one of the founders of Paramount Recovery Services. The story of the development of our aftercare program has so much to do with my own personal recovery and the path that led me, and so many others, to living a life of sober independence. One of many aspects that allowed me to recover was working a total overhaul on my belief system. As some of you may know it is our belief system that guides our entire life - the mate we choose, our career path, our self-image, and the way we respond to others. We have a myriad of beliefs about worlds and these beliefs drive everything we do or don't do. The good news for people who have a behavior that they would like to change is they can do it at the level of the belief that is driving the behavior. It is also good to know that once the belief that is driving the behavior is changed the behavior itself changes. This is one reason why 12-step recovery movements and religion have been so successful in helping people transform their lives. Both of these groups require certain beliefs that are "outside" of the sick human and subsequently they begin to recover. They are really only learning to change their beliefs from self-reliance to reliance on some external force. This can be a good start because, after all, it is that particular person’s old beliefs that are keeping them stuck. Over time these people work backwards from the behavior to the belief that is driving it and whether they call that belief a sinful nature or character defect it is nonetheless their belief system. I, Bryan Hullihen, and not an advocate of religion or belief or things unseen per se; however, I do understand how to alter belief systems and how to apply those changes so people's lives can improve. At Paramount Recovery Services we employ these methods with our clients every day and the altering of belief systems is one of the many ways we are able to help our guests reach their goals. So much can be said on this topic, however, I'll close with this. If you'd like to affect positive, lasting change in your life then get beyond the surface level and identify the belief that is driving your behavior or making it okay for you to continue on in it. I’d like to thank all of you for your time and support and I look forward to reading your comments.



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