
Showing posts from July, 2018

Bryan Hullihen's Experience With Changing His Belief System

My name is Bryan Hullihen and I am one of the founders of Paramount Recovery Services . The story of the development of our aftercare program has so much to do with my own personal recovery and the path that led me, and so many others, to living a life of sober independence. One of many aspects that allowed me to recover was working a total overhaul on my belief system. As some of you may know it is our belief system that guides our entire life - the mate we choose, our career path, our self-image, and the way we respond to others. We have a myriad of beliefs about worlds and these beliefs drive everything we do or don't do. The good news for people who have a behavior that they would like to change is they can do it at the level of the belief that is driving the behavior. It is also good to know that once the belief that is driving the behavior is changed the behavior itself changes. This is one reason why 12-step recovery movements and religion have been so successful in helpi...

Bryan Hullihen and the Value of a Unified Front in Sober Living

My name is Bryan Hullihen and I have had the pleasure of working at several treatment centers over the years and owning several programs ranging from treatment to sober living. When I first began this journey, I remember being told that the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction is a family disease. When I was initially being trained and educated on this concept one of my college courses came to mind which was the concept of family dynamics. Family dynamics is, in short, the study and consideration of the family unit as a single organism. The unit is comprised of individual players who each play a role in the unit, however, the unit itself is the focus. The study goes on to explain how the unit fights to maintain what is called a homeostasis, balance, once its ‘set point’ is established. The concept of alcoholism and addiction fits nicely into this construct and if it was as easy to treat as it is to explain the success rates would be much higher. The concept of family dynamics is...