Finding Success in Sobriety

My name is Bryan Hullihen and I have worked in the field of substance abuse treatment for several years now and have walked with hundreds of individuals over that time on the path of early recovery. Many people who begin the process of learning how to live a successful life in sobriety do so under false pretenses. The prevailing notion is that once a few weeks of abstinence has been achieved all that is needed is a little stability and arranging one's life to be as comfortable as possible. Comfort is an alluring distraction that, while enjoyable, should not be the primary aim. Now when I say comfort I'm talking about what many people in early recovery attempt to accomplish immediately following treatment; new car, high paying job, new boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. The goal must be sobriety and decisions must be made through the lens of recovery not comfort. The paradox for most people including myself, Bryan Hullihen, is that the more focus that is put on recovery the more all the comforts find US! What an amazing concept, the more we address the issues blocking us off from a good life the more capable we are of having and maintaining a successful and comfortable existence. This is not to say that discomfort never finds us but it does so less often than if we fail to make recovery a priority.

Contact me, Bryan Hullihen, through my personal website at if you or a loved one is on the road to recovery and I'll gladly walk the journey with you.

Your friend,


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