
Showing posts from December, 2018

Bryan Hullihen Talks About the Importance of Solidarity

One of my favorite quotes is from an old coach of the New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. It's a simple quote yet extremely profound for me and in many ways has given me direction as a leader as well as a friend to others. This particular coach looked at Brady and said "I want to look into your eyes and see that you want the same thing I do." When I heard this I was immediately struck by how relevant and applicable this concept is to recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. When groups work in solidarity amazing things happen; “Many hands make light work", "Two men can easily accomplish what one man struggles to achieve", and "Send a single man to scout but an army to conquer" are just a few maxims that illustrate this concept. I have observed the power of groups in achieving the shared goal of sobriety and I have lived that experience myself. Conversely, I have seen people isolate themselves and try to find recovery whose efforts in...